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Letter to the Mayor for Maintaining Safety of Puja Pandals

Question: Write a letter to the mayor of your town requesting him to intervene in the  construction of those puja pandals which are not being made according to the safety norms to avoid a major human disaster during the days of the celebration.

Date: August 15 ,  2014
To ,
The Mayor,
xxxx Municipal corporation,
XXXX (City Name)
I take the liberty to put your kind attention towards the weak construction of puja pandals which are not made according to safety norms.
Now a days during the puja proper care is not taken while constructing pandals particularly during Durgapuja. The foundation are not made very strong. Only physical look are the only  priority of many organiser to beat others in the pandal's competition. Old bamboo and plywood are reused year after year and their strength are  not checked. Fire extinguishers do not remain sufficient in numbers. They are used only for show of safety. As materials used are all inflamable , proper training must be given to a group of person to take action at the time of caught fire if happen. Electric short circuit is the most probable cause of fire. Therefore wires used must fulfill the electric load norms. Bare cable joints must be insulated properly.

People and their bags are not checked. The people entering pandal must be identified in front of main entrance.

I, therefore, request you to intervene in the construction and safety precautions of pandal so that people could be saved from any kind of disaster if happen.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Class- VIII
xxxx school.


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