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Private Laters
Business and Official Letters
Various Parts of Letter-Heading
Various Parts of Letter-Salutation
Various Parts of Letter-Reference
Various Parts of Letter-Body of the Letter
Various Parts of Letter-Signature
Introduction:Letter writing is one of the important art of civilized society. Communication between man and man is always necessary and whenever such communication is not possible in person we resort to letter writing .
Letter writing is an art and it should be cultivated as an art. That is to say it must aim at a certain standard of form and elegance. Our letters must be simple and clear so that they may be easily understood by those to whom they are written. Letter writing has been aptly called talking on paper.
Private Laters : Good private later should be as easy and natural as conversation. We should write as we should talk, when I read your letter I hear your talk. Private letters should be in conversation style or more in formal style.
Business and Official Letters: Business letter should be more direct and must deliver its message in the most effective manner and official letter should be formal and dignified. Both business letters and official letters must be clear concise, courteous , complete and correct. There is absolutely no room for display of anger, feeling or sentiment. It must be remembered that success in letter writing depends on successful imagining of the presence of person to whom the letter is being written .
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Various Parts of Letter: 1. Heading: It is the topmost place where the writer starts his letter. If it is a personal letter then the writer must write his address at the right top corner. The address must be in full just after address the date is mentioned. For example I am writing this one. Manoj 10, Dharmtalla Street, Kolkata-01 July 7, 2013 The margin to maintained while writing the heading will be half inch from the top and half inch from the right. In a business letter where the name of the person address is not mentioned in the salutation the name or title with the address is written. Now a days it is usual practice to write the address to the top left of the page. Here I am writing for example. July 7 2 0 1 3 To The MSTL Agency, 10 , Bankim Chndra Street, Calcutta Back to Top Don't write first second for etc, while writing the date keep it simple. 2. Salutation: The salutation is the courteous form of addressing the person to whom the letter is written. It is written a couple of lines below the address and begins from the left hand side. Margin of the page is about half inch from the left side. The salutation depends on the relationship or degree of intimacy between the writer and they person written to. Back to Top
3. Reference: This is for any reference of the letter sent previously or any official letter or note sheet number as a supporting document to this letter .
4. Body of the Letter: This contains the main message; which the writer wishes to convey to the addressee. This part is what this letter concede to write the letter.The other parts of the letter are of secondary importance. It should be written clearly, neatly and in a logical order. And the message must be understandable. Avoid pompous language. Nothing foreign to the subject matter should be introduced and unnecessary details shouldn't be given unless it is necessary. The body of the letter should be precise, brief and explicit. whatever be your theme, keep the purpose clearly in mind while writing the letter. Back to Top
Such expressions as the following are trite and should be avoided:
Trite -Natural
Your letter of even date -Your letter of today
Your favour -Your letter.
at band, to hand -We have received letter
your Yours of the 5th -Your letter of March 5
Yours of the 5th instant -Your letter of March 5
Thanking you again -Thank you again
5. Signature:Name: Mobile Number: 6. Enclosures: If any required. |