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Starting Lines for Letter Writing | How to Start a letter or Application

How to start a letter. Starting lines of a letter or application is the most important part of a letter that will ensure 90% of the letter's quality and completion confidence of a student.

starting lines For Friend:

1. I am highly excited to inform you about my plan for water rafting in next week......(To invite your friend for water rafting.)

2. I am extremely happy to share my experience about the recent tour....(Explaining experience to your friend.)

3. I cannot stop myself from explaining my special experience that I have gained recently on a tour....(Sharing an exciting experience.)

4. I am extremely delighted to share my adventurous experience of water rafting.......(Water rafting experience sharing to your fast friend.)

5. You will be surprised to know that I passed my matriculation with 95% marks.......(Sharing your happiest feeling to your friend.)

6. You will be delighted to know how we celebrated this independence day........(Independence day at your school.)

Letter to Relatives :

1.I was shocked after going through your letter that I received just now........ .( If you hear a bad news of someone's death.)

2. I am extremely happy for your success and extraordinary marks in the matriculation.......... (Congrats for great performance in the examination of matriculation.)

3. What a beautiful gift you have sent me. I fell in love with the unexpected choice from you. But i am now sure that you understand my choice. Thanks a lot my dear uncle.......... (Thankful to someone for your most choice able gift.)(after getting your most demanded gift.)

4. Thank you very much for your kind invitation to join in your marriage ceremony .......... (Thankful to someone for invitation.)

5. I just received your letter. I am extremely sorry that I couldn't attend your birthday party.......... (Apology.)

6. our final examination is just over. I hope for an outstanding result.......(Asking permission for something after examination.)

Letter to School principal / Class Teacher:

1. With due respect I beg to say....(Request for leave.)

2. Respectfully I want to say....(For some related issue in a school.)

3. This is my humble request i beg to say that I am suffering from acute financial crisis due to dismissal of my father; the only earning member of my family. At present our family earning is zero. I only want to pass 12 which i will appear in next year.........(For studentship . or for concession of school fee.)

4. This is for your kind information I would like to say that my son is suffering from vision problem......(To school principal informing about vision problem of your child.)

5. In response to your advertisement in Telegraph dated 14th June, 2018 for the post of a teacher, I beg to offer myself........( For applying a vacant post for teacher in a school.)

Letter to Editor of a news paper :

1. I would like to draw your attention towards bad condition of sewage system of our locality.....(Sewage system problem to authority of a government organisation)

2. It is a surprise that nothing have yet been done for load shedding problem of our locality even after continuous report......(For failure of a government authority for not doing anything after continuous reporting.)

3. I am feeling happy and thankful to write you second time since last month. One of our problems has got solved after you raised our issue in your newspaper. This time I would like to request you to provide a space in your column for a burning issue about inactive nature of recruitment authorities of... State......(Thanks to the editor of the newspaper.)


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