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A letter to your Uncle to stay with him during Summer Vacation

Question: Write a letter to your uncle that you will stay with him during  summer vacation.

July 20 , 2014

7/32, XXXXXXXX Road, 
City Name

Dear Uncle,
Since I was very small when I met with you last time in Gorakhpur. I was very busy in my study those days, so I couldn't spare time to write you letter. I'm glad to inform you that we all family members have planned to spend the coming vacation with you. This time our school remain closed for more than one month due to prevalent hot summer. I am so excited for this trip that I am back-counting the remaining school's closing date. We will also have a tour of Agra city from your house. I think it will take seven days to complete near by  important tour spots of Agra. Therefore our tour will be for about fourteen days. Taj will be our top priority, because last time we couldn't enjoy the beauty of Taj.  You don't need to worry about the booking of tickets and hotel because my father  has already planned everything  and he has  booked hotel and traveling tickets.

Hope we will have a lot of fun and enjoyment together. It will be a very pleasing meet. See you soon.

                               Yourself affectionately .


  1. you are embarking on a school trip. write a letter to your uncle and inform him about this upcoming

    1. Ok friend . This letter will be written soon. Any feedback regarding the content will be most welcome.

    2. your letter here. I tried it and hope you will like it.
      Read here

    3. Dear Uncle,
      Since I was very small when I met with you last time in Gorakhpur. I was very busy in my study those days, so I couldn't spare time to write you letter. I'm glad to inform you that we all family members have planned to spend the coming vacation with you. This time our school remain closed for more than one month due to prevalent hot summer. I am so excited for this trip that I am back-counting the remaining school's closing date. We will also have a tour of Agra city from your house. I think it will take seven days to complete near by important tour spots of Agra. Therefore our tour will be for about fourteen days. Taj will be our top priority, because last time we couldn't enjoy the beauty of Taj. You don't need to worry about the booking of tickets and hotel because my father has already planned everything and he has booked hotel and traveling tickets.

      Hope we will have a lot of fun and enjoyment together. It will be a very pleasing meet. See you soon.

      Yourself affectionately .

  2. Write a letter to your friend who lives in a different state that you would vist him this summer vacation.

    1. Ok it will be written soon. Wait. ..

    2. Write a letter to your uncle in agra asking him to tell you about the historical importance of agra

  3. Hi Azra where is my letter because I have to submit it tomorrow to my school. May Allah bless you to help us.

    1. wait half an hour. I am going to publish it. I want to say you that there remain huge demand form visitors. Sometimes we can serve you immediately . So please bear with the delay. However this time your letter is almost ready.

    2. Here is your letter . Go to this link:

  4. Thank you so much Azra. Your letter is the best 😀👌👌and because of you the whole class clapped for me for such a beautiful letter.

  5. Write a letter to your cousin describing your new class, new teachers, new friends etc. Please publish it as soon as possible

    1. we will try our best to write your letter as soon as possible. There remain huge orders of essay and letters so please give us time to complete your orders.

    2. Read your letter here:

  6. Write a letter to your friend describing your new class, new teachers, new friends etc.
    Please post it as soon as possible. Thanks

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Write a letter to ur uncle and aunt with whom you have spent a week in Karachi

  9. Your uncle who is residing in a hill station writes to you if you would be interested in visiting him for a well deserved Holiday after your ICSE examination.Write him a letter thanking him for his offer and stating your reasons for your decision

  10. Write a letter to your uncle in the city,expressing your desire to spend the coming Christmas with him.

  11. Write a letter to your uncle in the city, expressing your desire to spend the coming Christmas holiday with him.

  12. Write a letter to your uncle thanking for his offer and stating your decision to visit him or not, giving reasons for your decision...


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