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Request for Mediclaim Renewal Continuation Letter

The  Jr. Manager , [xxx],

Sub: Request for Mediclaim Renewal Continuation of [xxx]

Respectfully, I ,[xxxxx] (xxxxxx) a retired employee of [xxx]  beg to state that I want to renew  my lapsed mediclaim  for the  year 2010 . My mediclaim lapsed in 2008 due to misguidance of personnel officer [Shri [xxx]. I tried very hard to renew it but my all efforts had gone in vein.

 I  had submitted mediclaim renewal form for the year 2005 with requisite amount on14.01.2005 in Account Department, but by mistake I could not deposite the copy of pay-in-slip in Personal Department ,and so my name did no include in the membership of mediclaim.

 Next year when I went to renew my mediclaim for year 2006, then I saw that my name is not in list, but my spouse name ([xxx], MIN-[xxx]) was there. Then, I requested the concerned officer to accept my mediclaim renewal form for the year 2006 with my spouse with requisite amount .Then the officer renewed my mediclaim for 2006.

Again in the year-2007 when I went to renew my mediclaim, I got my name missing in the list.But my spouse name was there. Similarly as previous year, I requested the concerned officer to accept my mediclaim renewal form with my spouse with requisite amount. Then the officer again renewed my mediclaim for 2007.

For the year 2008 I again noticed that my name was not in the list. I thought that I am depositing the premium year after year but my name is not getting included in the list. I was confused about my mediclaim policy continuation. I took a last chance of depositing my renewal premium, but it was one day late of cut off time of renewal.Therefore I lost the renewal opportunity in Jan-2008. After that I quit to deposit the renewal premium for 2009. 

From a reliable source I came to know that my policy can be renewed as per latest circular of [xxx]  Therefore I want to get renewed my mediclaim policy for the year 2010. 

I therefore request you to consider my case and renew my mediclaim policy for this year as soon as possible.I shall be highly obliged.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully


Enclosures: Xerox of-


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